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Title Artist Time


  • Amazing!

    By TonyMayen
    From the moment I began listening to this song, it got my attention because it gave me the goosebumps right away. I love the arrangement, the lyrics and Yuri's rendition.
  • Classic Yuri

    By JW-H
    Been listening to Yuri for two decades and thankful this song finally made it to iTunes in the US as it's been out for months. This is classic Yuri along the lines of Detras De Mi Ventana. Power ballad, but without being overdone in the least. Classic Yuri, still modern, but holding on to the essence of a good Yuri ballad fans love. Her voice sounds as good as, if not better than ever. Here is hoping when the album comes out it will be available on US iTunes immediately so the US fans can purchase it!
