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  • The end of Newsboys

    By FitForAnImpendingDoom100
    It was sad when Peter Furler left Newsboys, but things got interesting when they announced Michael Tait as his replacement. However, once Born Again came out, the letdown was massive. Gone were the days of clever lyrics and catchy good songs; instead, we got bland CCM fare with no personality or wit. The one song Steve Taylor wrote, When the Boys Light Up, is cringy, indicating he had no interest in the band anymore, as his subsequent departure as songwriter made clear. The other songwriters were scholars of CCM blandness and cliche, and let that shine throughout. Not only was everything lame and boring, but they had the nerve to cover Jesus Freak with KJ-52. I don’t care if Tait was on the original song, covering that song was awful and showed a clear lack of creativity; the old Newsboys wouldn’t have done that song. Also debuting was their torturous cover of the definitive CCM song, Mighty to Save, which they’d do over and over and over again. Here was where Newsboys truly died, and the Snoozeboys arose.
  • Great album except for the crap Jesus freak remake

    By Supreme4k12
    Also when the boys light up sounds like something from fnaf. I don’t know why.
  • Zachary

    By big bear2004
    I love this band album 1988-2019. They are the best
  • Loveology

    By Micah Nielsen
    Before Michael Tait joined the Newsboys, he was in this band called Tait. Tait was founded in 1997 by lead singer Michael Tait and drummer Chad Chaplin. They later added guitarist Pete Stewart, formerly of Grammatrain, and bassist Lonnie Chapin, formerly of Petra. Together, the band released Empty in 2001. Pete Stewart left the band the next year and was replaced by Justin York. In 2003 the band released Lose This Life. Since 2004 the band has went on multiple hiatuses leaving only Michael Tait and Chad Chapin remaining as multiple guitarists and bassists passed through the ranks of the band. Around 2006, Michael Tait announced that they were working on a new album called Loveology and he described it as being like “Stevie Wonder meets Maroon 5 meets Lenny Kravitz.” When he joined the Newsboys in 2009, he said he still had plans to release Loveology. My point is, what if Loveology was actually released, but it was being cleverly disguised as Born Again? If you ask me, I would say yes because this sounds a lot more like Tait than the traditional Newsboys sound. However that’s just my theory about the album. All in all it’s just okay, there are some songs that I actually don’t like. These include: “One Shot” which has very cheesy and generic lyrics in it, “When The Boys Light Up” which has the same problems as the previous track but is more irrelevant, “Mighty To Save” because they have it on two of their albums, and “Jesus Freak” for being a really bad cover of a major DC Talk hit and KJ-52’s vocals just didn’t work at all. However, the other eleven songs are all decent, and I really would have liked to see another version of this album on here. Oh, and Furler’s stuff is way better than this.

    By Robloxplay_64
    I love the news boys
  • How is there no bad song?

    By Snake_Eyes_J3
    That's awesome
  • Awesome

    By LG/InfiniteGamer
  • Love

    By nekdhbej
  • God Used This Album to Change My Life

    By Future Pastor 777
    Ever since I was 4 years old I have wanted to be a Pastor, and listening to the Newsboys for many years now being in college to become a Pastor. Hearing this album when is was released years ago and listening to it all the time now has done nothing but built my faith up so much in God.😊 These men in this group have such a strong faith in God it is just so amazing. Having seen them 4 times in concert and met them 3 times these guys are just awesome. They are so funny and just so cool to see in concert. This album Born Again just reflects so much of who God is and His amazing character. If you are a person who wants to build your faith in God through music I would highly recommend this album and any other Newsboys albums. I also recommend seeing these guys in concert they are really funny and do some really cool things like spinning drums which is so cool to watch! 😊

    By Ri 🤓
    I absolutely love this album!!! I love the words, the beat, everything!!!! LOVE IT!!!!!😍 Miracles is my favorite song. Out of like 2 million songs Miracles is my favorite! You guys deserve much more than five stars. I would give you guys like millions upon millions of stars!! I love your music 🎼 so much that you guys inspired me to keep playing piano!!! May God bless you and your family!! Love y’all❣️
