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- - Music - INGC MusicStore

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Title Artist Time


  • Best of Jonatha's albums

    By epigal
    Well I admit, I love ALL of Jonatha's albums, but if you are Jonatha-naive, this is the BEST place to start. Deep lyrics, gorgeous melodies, driving beats, just incredible music, great power and passion. Jonatha is not recognized nearly enough for her major talents and contributions to music (not just this genre, but all genres). Her music is inspirational and moving. Start here but get them all - there are a few covers on her other CDs but all of her original music will change your life.
  • Jonatha Brooke - Steady Pull

    By Neuromancer
    Not enough GOOD can be said about the hardest working girl in this genre of music. Sure she rocks, but her talents as a singer/songwriter soar above the rhythm and sway of her music. I was thrilled to find her in the iTunes Store finally.
