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Title Artist Time


  • top all time

    By Brusurfing
    one of the coolest ablums i own, this is one you must have 1-full hour to listen to, you just can't start this one and then stop it, no way. get the full sessions, you gotta hear it all too, brilliant final album and brilliant recordings either way.
  • One of my top 3 Miles Albums

    By bzerked
    I loved this period of Miles music…I never get tired of this album!
  • the best Miles there is

    By **************&&&&&&&&&&$$$$$$
    Yesternow is ascension.
  • Enlightening

    By Chrie89
    This was it. This was the album that got me to appreciate and love jazz. It wasn’t until this album that I really understood jazz. I now study guitar and jazz studies in Chicago. That’s how powerful this album is and to me it is the ultimate jazz-rock album.
  • Miles get his dream Rock band!

    By CoolFreeHardBop3
    ...and he plays as good as he ever played! It's like hearing a man set free from all conventions and expectations...just PLAY baby! This is one awesome RockJazz record people!
  • Great!!!

    By Brandon Reese
    still havent stopped listening after months and months of straight play! MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES
  • amazing

    By allend89
    2 songs not enough for ya? This album forced me to become a music teacher, how's that for an endoresment
  • A Tribute to Jack Johnson

    By Craw-dog
    One of the top 5 Jazz/rock recordings of all time.
