By WJMaster12
This is the best thing i have every heard!! COLDPLAY ROCKS!!!!!
Awesome, but...
By Kelsey the excellent
I love VSQ and this is no exception but OMG I've been looking through their music I CAN'T STOP BUYING. I've already bought two of their tributes to Coldplay and then I see this and I'm like -_-
I bought it anyway.
Coldplay rocks
By UnderseaDavis
I love coldplay and the vsq remakes of their songs this album is good but not their best try rush of blood to the head
By petalsonawet
Pretty cool...
By Bella Cello
I love all of there songs! Vitamin string quartet you rule.
By balla33hi
Coldplay is great and this is too. MUST BUY:)
emphasis, emphasis
By bbchain
i have always loved vitamin string quartet and coldplay. viva la vida was a breathtaking album and this is a great tribute to it. the only problem i have with it is they emphasise the wrong songs. for instance, my personal favorite, lost!. Lost! is supposed to have a booming, in your face sound. VSQ made it a tad too calm. the same goes for viva la vida. death and all his friends is one of my favorite tributes by vitamin string but they make the beginning to, dare i say, fast paced. while the rest of the song is supposed to be that way, the beginning was intended to be calm and deep.
Beautiful ^-^
By XSweenyRedX
I think that the VSQ's music is gorgous and I adore Viva La Vida, so when those two were combined..BAM! INCREDIBLE SONG! C'mon, you know you agree, just click yes... ;D
By Renejr
i definately love this! the only thing i don't like is that on the song Cemeteries of London, there is this annoying click in the background but thats all :D
VIVA LA VIDA! Prospekt's March is coming Nov. 25th in the USA!
Another awesome album!!
By GoYankees99
I loooove VSQ's first tribute album to Coldplay and now this--YAY!!! I'm going to the concert too, and I'll be listening to this album on my way there :)