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Title Artist Time


  • Great Sound!

    By SebastianCookie
    This is one unusual track, amazing beats, great spacey sounds and a twisted lead sound...Love the very robotic sharp voice over it. great dance track!!
  • Not bad

    By for sweden
    All the tracks on this EP create greate sound scapes that you can just get lost in very easily.The EP is minimal style with that slight tech-bounce, interrupted by a shifting wave that builds up and releases like the perfect roll. Again, I love people who give bad reviews because they are genre-biased.
  • boring

    By boy27g
    sounds like a bunch of sound effects. I'm was surprised listening to this.
  • DT Still Setting the Trend

    By brisciguy67
    As good as Elements? Well, not quite. But Space Dance most assuredly serves up the trademark Tenaglia genius that any longtime fan will appreciate.
  • Danny Stripped Down!

    By Davida3000
    Essential Danny. Stripped down to the "Elements" he is well known for. Anyone who has had the pleasure to follow his clubland career can agree. Danny has remained one of the icons of New York House.
  • Very disappointing

    By Barriostar
    Seems as if he was bored and just started to plug in a bunch of random sound effects. Sounds very generic compared to his earlier work.
  • Sounds just like a '50s Sci-Fi B-movie!!

    By eternalthump
    and as bit of sounding DATED as well. Vocals? Well, I think I heard a robot saying "Danger, Will Robinson!!" but i could be mistaken> All in all, as in the words of the Great late George Carlin, "Whooo Cares!!!"
  • not that bad

    By AmrcnIdlfan
    has good beats, fun to listen to
  • Welcome Back Danny!!!

    By DJ Banger
    This track is amazing! Have been playing it in my sets and the crowd has gone absolutely bananas every time. Anytime Danny releases a track you can pretty much bet that it will be hot. I can't wait for the Futurism mix compilation that is supposed to be out later this summer! Hope to hear more new releases from Danny soon.
