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Title Artist Time


  • ❤️

    By Trust and Us
  • Great message!

    By HeNeverGaveUpOnMe
    Don't like the end. They should have sung the last chord instead of the child. It's distracting.

    By Insany14
    They did an amazing job😍😍😍➕➕❤️❤️
  • Amazing

    By Jazzy 😜
    Love Casting Crowns their songs are so faithful
  • Casting crowns

    By Drummer up
    So amazing inspirational and so true
  • Crying

    By Ygchjcjgcf
    I don't think anyone will ever see this review but I pray someone does. I'm a 14 year old girl and my mother played this album every day before school and we were very involved in church and Christianity. I remember the day she gave a lesson in the church and was chosen to find a song and preach about it. She chose slow fade and I remember every word from it even though it was nearly 5 years ago. She explained the slow fade between the path to darkness and a that time she was in rehab and recovering and doing well. But she was right. It was a slow fade. She got back into drugs and alcohol and divorced my step father and left me and my step brother. I saw her on occasion and talked to her a lot but now she is missing and nobody knows where she is or if she is even alive. I've gone down the dark path with depression and self harm and suicidal thoughts. I would do anything to bring her back. Please pray for me. And I would like to thank casting crowns for the memories because they are ll I have left :'(
  • East to west

    By Small town Jesus praiser
    The best song ever is east to west. I listen to it every day!!!
  • East to West=BEST SONG EVER!!!!!

    By JCK Account
    I’ve heard the chorus of this song so often and wondered, “Why in the world are they asking Jesus how far the East is from the West or something like that?”. But for the first time the other day I heard the whole song, and I was BLOWN AWAY. I’ve been trying like crazy to find my righteous identity in Jesus, but it’s just so hard when you base that on how you feel, and I love how this song addresses that! 100% five stars just for that song!!
  • The BEST from the BEST

    By Casper84$
    I can't stress enough how Casting Crown has simply made the best Christian Music EVER. Heart Felt music!
  • Perfect Timing

    By MarieGMartin
    My best friend sent me the lyrics to "A Prayer for a Friend" it moved me to tears--- I downloaded the entire album. Casting Crowns has save my heart once again back to my Lord!
