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Title Artist Time


  • I loveboa. ❤️

    By jungdanielle29
    she is the best.
  • Ehh...

    By SilySoli
    I mean I love this song, but I hate how it’s 10.99! that is 11 dollars just for a song! I get that it’s an album, but still. Nahh too much bruh! I could get like loads of things from dollar tree just for that. Pricing is not great, but song IS great.
  • Boa!

    By Jennifer Nami
    I have this cd! I love all of her songs but Every Heart from Inuyasha is my favorite song of all! :D
  • Good

    By Nickeloadeon24
    This is great I'm not japananesse but I like this kinda music and there some good songs on this like every heart is good I'm goin to japan in a few years from now can't wait
  • Masayume Chasing

    By BryantheOshawott
    I like Every Heart (ending of InuYasha) but we need Masayume Chasing! Please put one of my favorite openings from Fairy by her on the US Itunes Store! I would greatly appreciate it if you do! Thanks for your consideration Itunes!
  • Not big on Japanese music but this amazing

    By AFP 22
    BoA never disappoints NEVER.only Japanese music I can stand is her's and the girl groups Flower,and E-Girls that's it.
  • 10 years of Love

    By Mashuu77
    Bought this album 10 years ago, and 10 years later, I still love listening to this. If you haven't listened to her older songs, please do so!
  • BoA rocks!!!

    By dancer206
    BoA is a k-pop artist who's been around for 13 years and has a string of amazing songs that she's recorded and released. A lot of them are really good and I'm glad that some of her Japanese releases are on iTunes along with the English versions of some songs that were originally recorded in Japanese. Now if iTunes could put her Korean music on here, then we'd really be in business.
  • The Start of a Legacy

    By miyello
    How it all began. The success of this album marked the beginning of BoA's legendary career. When Every Heart first came out, I didn't know a single Asian who didn't know the song. BoA will always be the first of her generation to accomplish such a feat of breaching national boundaries.
  • Incredible

    By BubblePopMuzik
    So much joy to see BoA's Japanese singles/albums on iTunes. Thank you iTunes and AVEX Entertainment for bringing your catalog back to the US iTunes store. Maybe SM will release more of BoA's Korean catalog as well.
