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Title Artist Time


  • Phil Wickham ♥️

    By JamSnnjxn
    Dear Phil Wickham I love your songs,I go to so many of your concerts but I would love to know when you are going to sing at the silos in Waco again but i really hope you read this because I am you and Jesus‘s biggest fan and I know a lot of people say that but I seriously am and I am just like your daughter and I would love to meet her so bless you I’m 10 years old ♥️
  • Love it love it love it

    By KandyKat345
    I LOVE this song but I can’t get get because it costs money. I honestly think that prayer songs should NOT be for money. I would LOVE for this to be my ringtone, but I don’t wanna pay for it AT ALL! U go to a religious school and we usually sing songs about Jesus. I mentioned this to my teacher and we learned the lyrics. When I realized I could play a song as my ringtone, I immediately thought of this one. I hate having to pay for stuff. Jesus is free! Apparently this song is not. Disappointing. Please make a change.
  • This is our God

    By Mara Sue
    This is the song that got me back into Phil Wickham, I can’t wait for his new album, I want it now. I just want him in Winter Jam
  • This is our God

    By 21elijahcook
    Fantastic song with a simple yet powerful message!
  • Love your heart Phil Wickham ♥️

    By Pasadena,Tx
    You constantly Bless me with your lyrics ♥️
  • Speaks to the heart

    By 1qneenboo
    Great song phil you did it again.
  • Powerful song!

    By orteacher2
    Another amazing song from Phil Wickham. It’s been on repeat since I first heard it.
  • Truth

    By Norie74
    This song speaks truth! Yahweh saves!
  • Cupcake

    By panda bear 888
    I really like this song Phil wickham awesome 🙂
  • “Never once did He fail and he never will” 🙌🏻

    By Woodrow0015
    Love this song! I will be impatiently waiting for his upcoming album!
