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Title Artist Time


  • KISS off the Soundboard

    By EliteFantasies
    Well its better than the Animalize 1984 Soundboard. It's Still KISSTORY!! KISS4EVER
  • Here’s my thoughts

    By runwolfblake
    Guys are not as good as you used to be that’s why I’m giving you four stars but we have to look at this you are one of the best rock ‘n’ roll people I have heard in a long time even now that your voice is starting to go yes but you’ve been around longer than most parents and you guys will never fall from rock ‘n’ roll history you’re better than iOS be Ryan was when I have told him live bigger not as good as journey when I saw him live and you guys will never fall from rock ‘n’ roll history you’re better than iOS be Ryan was when I have told him live bigger not as good as journey when I saw them live I’d rather you stay on as rock ‘n’ roll as long as you can maybe you’re just a little I’ll practice medicine make more maybe just a little old practice maybe down the line you can make music that matches the pitch that you can reach now but you guys rock no rather you want to quit or continue is your choice but don’t let anyone tell you when to quit I do podcast and music and YouTube and a lot of different stuff myself and my dad told me son when I started recording and stuff I asked my dad Rich so quick and my dad told me bring the children tell you to quit then my dad looked at me when he told me that story about his dad and he told me this son don’t make the same mistake I did you decide when you want to quit because you’re the only one who matters sir keep on rockin and Rollin remember the decision to quit is yours but I speak for a lot of kiss fans when I say I want you guys to stay on
  • Kiss

    By Dudeman50!
    Terrible top to bottom and this is from 2004. Can only imagine what is store for fans in 2022.
  • Horrible and I buy everything.

    By Big Rich nightwish fan
    I am a big Kiss fan but this album is very bad. Sound quality is bad just listen to Tears are Falling. Horrible
  • How?

    By bandanamaaan
    There has to be an explanation for this release. I don't believe Gene or Paul would ever allow this awful recording to be offered for purchase. This is KISS having a bad night. Happens to everyone...but who wants to put out there... their bad show. After this...I will still remember the GODS of rock. All I got to do is forget what I'm listening to right now.

    By jaymieclark
    As a card carrying member of the KISS Army, I am disappointed. I miss Ace and Peter.
  • Worst live album

    By Mercy & Forgivness
    All I could hear is a background roar, no content of music. Vocals are terrible. Kiss should pull this album.
  • Ugh!!

    By BobL67
    As a 45+ year fan, and have seen almost every version of the band live, numerous times, I have to say the is probably the worst live recording I have ever heard. The mix is terrible. The bands playing is actually worse. I have seen KISS cover bands that sounded 10 times better than this.
  • Yes...You can go past your prime.

    By Saint_
    Holy smokes this is bad. The vocals are off-key, the timing is off, they all sound tired, the sound quality is tinny, full of echoes, weak, and diluted. It sounds like I'm listening to a 50-year-old cassette in a 1978 Pacer. This is an example of what happens when a band keeps going far past their prime...
  • Kiss-Off the Soundboard Virginia Beach

    By XRF
    Time to hang up the costumes and makeup.
