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Title Artist Time


  • Elton and Current Music don’t mix

    By MrKal
    His worst album since Victim of Love. Yes Duets (1993) and Leather Jackets (1986) are better albums!
  • LOVE IT!!!!!

    By fun734
    I think it’s cool and I LOVE Elton John so it’s a win,win
  • Definitely not Elton’s best

    By diabeticS😀
    😥not the best
  • Some good, mostly bad. I agree w/ prior review

    By Bubba Guitar
    If you want to hear Elton play & sing over bad 2020's fake sounding, electronic, non-human music you'll have lots to choose from here. Please someone tell every pseudo musician out there that Auto-Tune vocals whether sung or rapped, is not creative nor exciting and most importantly sounds terrible.
  • yeah, not so much

    By Angelo the greek
    You want this to sound better. It really wants to be a masterpiece but it is not at all. The only track worth anything is The Stevie Wonder track. The “Stolen Car” track is just terrible. He sings so loud over Stevie Nicks it tears down her vocals, which is fine because she doesn’t sound right anyway. This album is a pass.
  • Bruh

    By LG/InfiniteGamer
    Which is gayer him or this album?
  • Worst album I’ve ever heard

    By clarrkkent
    I enjoyed the collaboration/mix of Dua Lipa and Elton John. I figured the rest of the album would be just as good, but man was I wrong. Listening to Elton John screech along side or over other artists for an hour makes me want to stab out my eardrums. I enjoy all of Elton’s previous albums, but he sounds terrible in this. Calling it signing is a serious insult to anyone singing even at average skill level. Glad I listened through streaming to decide if I wanted to buy this.
  • literally you flop.

    By larri 🤍
    sir your been in the music industry before i was born and it seems you need to retire bc it looks like you are trying to fit in with gen z 😡😡😡
  • Should be called “Elton Sells Out”

    By AppFanatic
    You can always tell an aging artist on the way down. They resort to an album with younger (less talented in most cases) artists. Maybe after that they try standards or covers. Is that next for Elton? Then again, when was the last good original Elton John album?
  • Eileen

    By ms trudy
    this is right up there with Ethel Merman's disco album......
