Great Storyteller
By Imagecrafters
Heard his music on TV and immediately purchased his albums. Love his emotion and honesty in song. Listen to any of these. Stones is particularly moving. He is amazing. Don’t pay attention to the negative reviews. Jingle and Go, Lover Girl, Wolves, Sunrise are my favorites.
By Pvmick
Not great
Not great
By missouri fan 1212
My favorite singer still. Get out of Hollywood and back to your roots and make some albums like junky star and Mescalito again. Just my thoughts
This is music!
By KB1997
When I get in my vehicle, my Ryan Bingham station is what I play first on Pandora.
Texas Troubadour
By jbirdy99
Way to go! Reminds me of some other Texas greats, I like that he’s brave with his music and doesn’t stick to the same old routine!
I bought this
By Q bent
Hoping he was going to follow his live album energy, well I tried to like this but just can’t. So he is one for three solo releases, maybe he might see what the dead horses are up to
American Love Song
By hogqueen
LOVE THIS ALBUM. Thank you Ryan!!
By Chad.M.
Been a fan for many years, Ryan was a breathe of fresh air whenever I came across him. Mescalito, roadhouse sun and junky star are some of my favorite albums of all time but this album didn’t do it. This was the step in the wrong direction, politics and crap like that isn’t what anybody wanted. We want the kind of music that came from Wishbone Saloon to Junky Star!!! Please see the light RB
Not your best
By N3dal
I think everyone has pointed out the obvious. Not his best work. Do your self a favor and listen to the rest of the albums and just skip this one. You can tell it didn’t come from his heart.
By norma445
A lot of people may not like this album because of “political tones”. Bingham has always been somewhat political, if you actually listen to his lyrics. I don’t mind that. You should never expect an artist to stay away from politics. Art is an expression of the world around us. Unfortunately this album is just not my favorite. It’s actually my least favorite tied with Tomorrowland. I have followed since the beginning (literally, since Mescalito times) and listen to his music almost daily. I just can’t get behind this one. Honestly it was sort of hard to listen to because it felt nothing like him. His unique voice is the only remaining “Bingham-ism” of the past. I am very aware artists grow and change with time, and that can be a good thing, but this one feels forced. Not to mention very mumbly... half the time I had no idea what he was saying so I had to pull up all the lyrics as I listened. A lot of his newer following may like it because there are some catchy tunes sprinkled in there (wolves, jingle & go) but for those of us who have been listening for a while and are used to his original sound, it felt very contrived and foreign. I was looking forward to this album for a long time but I can already tell I will be archiving this one and going back to the good old tried and trues. Hard times, ya’all. Still love him though.