Wish You Were Here - Pink Floyd

Wish You Were Here

Pink Floyd

  • Genre: Rock
  • Release Date: 1975-09-12
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 6

  • ℗ 2016 The copyright in this sound recording is owned by Pink Floyd Music Ltd., marketed


Title Artist Time
Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Pt Pink Floyd 13:32
Welcome to the Machine Pink Floyd 7:30
Have a Cigar Pink Floyd 5:07
Wish You Were Here Pink Floyd 5:38
Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Pt Pink Floyd 12:23


  • Music Critics and Their Fading Memories

    By who cares?????????????????????
    Years ago, the critics would nauseate on and on how this album was inferior to Dark Side. I always thought they were filling their hats from their backsides. Each Floyd album since has gone through this same wrong-headed ritual. Pure and simple, Wish is beautiful, sad and epic.
  • Wish you were here Pink Floyd

    By D-Fifty
    I really enjoy all things Pink Floyd.Awesome Band!
  • The best!!

    By Classic Cleric
    Nothing like it!
  • Returndmm8973@cloud≠≠≠loveal

    By iLoveEAll
    Returndmm8973@cloud≠≠≠isondmac@ Returndmm8973@icloud=≠≈=≠mclaughlin.d. Returndmm8973@cloud≠≠≠
  • Perfect

    By janealva
    Nothing more to say
  • I Want To Purchase A Ringtone Pink Floyd Wish You Were Here

    By Pasquale 01
  • Pink Floyd

    By Unicor🦄🍭🍬🌈
    I love this song so much
  • Greta album

    By BigAl 00
    Although not as strong as the Dark side of the Moon. This album is a testament to how truly great this was actually was. This was a more focused than The Dark Side of the Moon to the people that I would consider this one of the greatest albums ever made. Pink Floyd is a truly one of a kind band and there will never be a band like them ever again. This band shall live on.
  • Best of the best

    By jjbbaakk75
    This has to be their best work of art ever. I could listen to shine on you crazy diamond every day. It has such a calming feeling it gives you best song ever💍
  • SHINE!

    By Smack'n
    Amazing masterpiece of an album. I can’t decide which album I like better between Dark Side and this but Shine on you crazy diamond is my favorite Floyd song and it’s not even close. Sit back, close your eyes, turn up the volume, and drift away into a calm serenity listening to it.

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