Hard start
By wtfnicknametaken
I almost gave up the first few chapters, lost interest quickly. I’m so glad I stuck to it it ended up being a great read!
I like the idea…
By shdoskjdxj
I like the overall idea of the book as it’s a very classic trope. I also liked the storyline and the characters were nice as well, personally my favorite character is Viktor. :] However the one thing that wasn’t the besttt was the very abrupt ending. !Spoilers! We learn that Julian is in trouble and Sarah goes to rescue him but the whole fight scene (don’t know if fight scene is the best wording) was a big let down and wasn’t as exciting as I had hoped. Julian and Petru are saved and then everyone except Sarah and Julian just leave the picture and we finallyyyy get the moment where Julian confesses that he loves Sarah. And then it just ends? Still, a good read and I liked it.
Exciting Ending
By Bonnie Prancer
This book is fun to read. You may think about stretching the reading time and you may discover this is a complete read in one day.
Completely follows this timeframe. Exciting read.
Lovely Read
By koalastoppers
I could not put this book down! I loved the story line, I just wish the sequel was on this app…