To Train Up a Child - Michael Pearl & Debi Pearl

To Train Up a Child

By Michael Pearl & Debi Pearl

  • Release Date: 2015-05-01
  • Genre: Parenting
Score: 3.5
From 33 Ratings


To Train Up a Child, first published in 1994, began as a letter to a homeschool mother in answer to her question, How did you train your children to be so happy and obedient? Mike did not consider himself to be an author, nor did Debi possess the means or the knowledge to publish a book. They realized that it was a big subject that could not be put into a few pages, so they wrote a book. Friends and neighbors were consulted, gleaning their views and methods of child training. They analyzed how they were influenced by the traditions they inherited from their parents, and they looked at the methods that were unique to their family. Friends and members of their church periodically read and critiqued the manuscript as it grew to book size. Twenty one years later, To Train Up a Child has sold over 1.2 million copies in twelve languages. TTUAC has been on Amazon s best-seller list several times. This new book has added chapters and several updates. Mike and Debi have received tens of thousands of letters of gratitude and been approached by thousands of young people thanking them for their influence in the way they were raised their parents having implemented the principles expressed in TTUAC. Mike and Debi are humbled to have played a part in so many young people s lives. There has been no editing to modify their stance on spanking. To the contrary, due to the media attacks, they have expanded and strengthened their arguments for traditional, biblical child training. There are now more than a million TTUAC books circulating in the United States that will continue to stand for traditional, biblical parenting.


  • This is not about “abuse”

    By AGJMYoung
    Clearly those who claim this book advocates abuse, do not have the eyes to see or minds to understand. Did these people read where it talks about “training” so you do not have to discipline? Probably not. Do you tell your child “no” and expect them to obey? Yes. How do you teach your child to obey - by training them to listen, and they do not listen, there is a consequence. There are consequences in life - whether as a child or adult. My guess would be that anyone who says this book is about abuse, also claimed that the rioters (where they burned cars and looted stores) were “peaceful protestors”. Side note - those so called “peaceful protestors” were clearly not trained or disciplined as children… SMH.
  • This book advocates child abuse

    By xiape
    This book blatantly advocates child abuse. I’m m disgusted to even find it here.
  • Abuse Your Kids

    By K Tag
    If you do not believe in abusing your kids, don’t buy this book. It talks about spanking babies. It also says the older kids should discipline (abuse) the younger ones
  • Disgusting - Encourges Child Abuse

    By mrfrizzle9
    From the synopsis: “…to the contrary, they have expanded and strengthened their arguments for traditional, biblical child training” These are not baseless “media attacks” as these authors purport. There is OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE from HUNDREDS of well-caried-out SCIENTIFIC STUDIES & RESEARCH which essentially PROVE, without any doubt, that spanking/hitting children is not just ineffective in the long run, but is counterproductive, and that CHILDREN WHO ARE SPANKED/HIT as a routine form of discipline have the same outcomes as children who are victims of any other kind of CHILD ABUSE (sexual, emotional, or physical), plus tend to experience violence in their adult relationships, often being the perpetrators. Perhaps in the past we didn’t know better, but now the data is clear: CORPORAL PUNISHMENT IS CHILD ABUSE. And common sense ought to tell us that if we decided to hit another adult because they did something wrong, we’d be charged with ASSAULT and taken to JAIL - so how, in any sane person, can one suggest it’s ok to do to something that is illegal/CRIMINAL to do to an adult and do it to a CHILD?!? These people claim to be Christians - I am of the impression that Jesus Christ wanted us to be instruments of God’s LOVE, he us to be free of evil/our demons, and he wanted healing for all people. I’m pretty sure that if Jesus were here today, he wouldn’t advocate smacking/physically abusing/violence against children. Anyone who still today continues to push corporal punishment as a means of discipline/behavior correction is totally and completely wrong, and has absolutely ZERO credibility, is clearly not knowledgeable or capable enough to be giving any parenting advice on anything, or even they suffer from serious mental disorders (possibly were abused themselves - and anyone who thinks that because they suffered traumas that they should inflict harm on their children is unfit and should not even be allowed to be around any child). Or, they’re so close-minded and self-righteous that they refuse to change their minds about it, even when presented with irrefutable, definitive proof of their practices being harmful, in which case, again, they should not be listened to about anything. It would be one thing if this was published 50 years ago, but this was published only several years ago - there is no excuse for this today, and the authors ought to feel embarrassed and ashamed of themselves. I cannot believe that Apple even allows this inaccurate, dangerous, harmful material, which could lead to the actual harming of children, on their platform.
  • Abusive and barbaric

    By WinterRose1987
    This book advocates spanking children as young as 6 months old. Now tell me: What could a 6-month-old possibly do to warrant getting a spanking? And the way they suggest spanking children? With Willow branches and great big boards and belts? I won't even get into the other abusive methods they advocate.👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎
  • Great principals!

    By smr99705
    This book has wonderful principals to build a foundation off of. Do you have to raise your children the same way as them? NO! By all means, read the book and spit out the seeds that don’t fit with your life. This book teaches parents how to raise children who are obedient and who have respect for their parents and strict boundaries.
  • Horrible

    By CJ Leonard
    Horrible book with a horrible impact
  • Excellent book

    By Lida P
    It has work for centuries! Application of timeless biblical principles.
  • This is horable

    By looneyskiddles
    This is down right child abuse
  • Deplorable.

    By terpraider
    This book encourages mental and physical abuse. To train up a child comes across training children like dogs. The authors of this book should be jailed.