From Raheem
By Rockithgc
What I’ve read has talk to me letting me know what I’m doing right as well as what I should cease doing
Nice book
By lilourencon
Very interesting the way the author recommend other good books throughout the book. Thank you!
Great read… highly recommend to anyone
By BMuLL08
Wanting to improve their productivity and time management
This book helped me!!!!
By TheProjeXt
This book taught me a lot I never thought about in life. I must say I really love all the information the author provided.
Great book!
By Disgusted Shopper1
Very helpful, informative, quick and easy read. I enjoyed it a lot.
By Hyder Z
Very helpful to organize life.
Very Helpful!
By axlnava
Lot of information in a few pages!
God’s Work
By ri3152
Great Book Your Changing Life’s
Just a Getaway
By Just a Getawy
This book has been very helpful to me. For example, planning my next day before I got to bed.
In addition, the Author states; it’s ok to relax once in awhile. Relaxing and not always finding something to do has always been difficult for me.
In closing, thank you for the great read and reference books.
Good tips!
By seng aund
this book was awesome and more people should read it